Become a Volunteer
If you are interested to become a volunteer at the Immigrant Youth Centre, please follow the steps below to complete your volunteer onboarding process:
Step 1: Please register on the CICS volunteering online registration form using
Step 2: Once the online registration form has been completed, you will be contacted through email to attend a one-time volunteer orientation & training (held every 2nd Friday of the month in the afternoon).
If you cannot make arrangements to attend the orientation, please contact our staff. We will be more than happy to make an alternative arrangement with you regarding this step of the volunteer onboarding process.
Step 3: Then, you will also need to sign consent forms before starting your volunteering role with us at the Immigrant Youth Centre. These consent forms will be either emailed to you with the volunteer orientation email or sent to you by one of our workers.
If you have any further questions or concerns about volunteering, please email our Youth Program Coordinator, Vivian at
Would you like to:
Get your 40 Hours of Community Service?
Get experience and learn skills which will enhance your resume or application to college or university?
Make friends and feel like part of a community?
Get resources and assistance with volunteering in the community at large?
Start Volunteering
After you have completed to steps above, you are eligible to volunteer with us!
Please note that you only need to complete the process above one time, and you are free to volunteer with us at any time after that. Based on your interests and availability, you can contact our staff to participate in a volunteer opportunity of your choosing. We will also provide you with some current volunteer opportunities at the volunteer orientation. Alternatively, you can also request to join our email list, where we will send out emails about volunteer positions for certain programs as they become available. Feel free to also follow our social media to check out more volunteer opportunities for our programs!

Volunteer Jobs
Learn to give back to the community and be engaged.
Potential Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Mentors
Special Events Assistants
Front Desk Receptionists
Youth Website Assistants
Blackboard Artists
Program Assistants
Volunteering Events
Event Decorators
Event Helpers
Summer Camp/March Break Counselors
Outreach/Promotion Assistants
Data Entry Assistants
Calendar Design
Arts and Crafts
Featured Volunteering Programs
IYC Community Action Network (iCAN) represents youth voices within the IYC. They help newcomer youth integrate within the community by planning events, creating awareness of different topics such as multiculturalism. They also get youth at IYC involved by creating volunteer opportunities. The iCAN Committee provides its members with an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills. For more information about how to join the committee, contact our Volunteer Services Coordinator at Ext. 207.

The Youth Mental Health Ambassadors (YMHA) is a youth volunteer-led group, meaning all activities and projects are organized, planned and delivered by the participants of the group. We meet twice a month (bi-weekly) on Thursdays (4:30 pm - 6:00 pm) for group meetings to discuss various topics related to mental health and social justice as well as collaborate on community engagement projects, such as designing social media posts on relevant topics.